The Energetic Matchmaker, Liesel Rigsby
Learn 5 essential tools to making space for love.

A conversation with 2 bachelors

I was at a party recently at Hubud, which is a really hip happening
co-working space here in Ubud, Bali (where I’m living right now).

The party was full of creative and interesting people from all over the world. And right at the beginning of the night I met 2 smart, funny and successful single

D. is an international magazine editor and E. a famous documentary film maker.

They’ve seen me there a lot over the past couple of months, getting
Soulmate School ready, and they asked me about my work.

So of course we got to talking about relationships
between men and women.

And they started sharing with me what they found
most and least attractive in the single women they meet.

So straight from the source, here’s what they told me:

Most attractive qualities in a woman:

1. Comfortable in her own skin


They both find a woman who is at ease with herself incredibly attractive. Yes, they
needed to be physically attracted to her, but beyond the physical, they weren’t
interested in a relationship if she wasn’t really confident in herself
and who she is as a person.

2. Accepts them as they are


They both agreed that a woman who accepts them as they are and doesn’t try to
change them was very appealing. A woman who supports them and believes in them
and what they’re doing in the world. A woman who doesn’t criticize or expect or want them to be different than who they are.

3. Let’s a man pursue her

Both men shared that they like to be the one who pursues. They enjoy the “chase” and
don’t want to be chased themselves. Each said he is attracted to a woman who invites him
in but doesn’t pursue him. A woman who allows him to lead.

And now for the least attractive qualities
(remember to not let your inner critic get involved if any of these resonate)

1. Needy or Clingy

They find women who want to be with them all of the time or who feel needy and clingy really unattractive.  As I was talking to E about when a woman starts to feel a little desperate because she really wants to be with her soulmate, he actually started physically backing up. And he told me that the energy of a needy woman repelled him like the wrong side of a magnet.

2. Insecurity

Just as the most attractive quality for E & D is a woman who is comfortable in her own skin. The least attractive quality to both of them was insecurity. E even said that he finds a woman who’s had plastic surgery or botox less attractive because he assumes (and this may or not be so) that she is insecure and that’s what motivated the change.

3. Being offended when a man finds them attractive

D says, “Men are visual creatures. If I admire her beauty or her body let that be a compliment not an objectification”

. They both felt that a woman’s reaction to physical admiration is different based on the culture she’s from. In their opinion Latin women enjoy it the most and North American women are least receptive to it.

I’m sure we could have an entire cultural conversation about this last one 😉

So there you have it. The perspective of two 2 single men in Bali.

It really boils down to one thing – Feel great about yourself and who you are in the world. Learn to be at ease in your own skin and you automatically have the most attractive quality you can imagine.

And if you need more support in this area, click here to download a simple and short energetic tool to help you increase your self love and how you feel about YOU.

Because the number one MOST attractive quality you can have is to feel great about yourself!
What do you think? Do you agree/disagree? Do you feel triggered by what they said or opened by it? I’d love to hear!